To import a user:
- Logon to CloudPortal Service Manager (CPBM).
- Click Users > Bulk User Import.
- In Upload User Import File option, click Browse and select the new or edited workbook.
- Add a description for the workbook and click Upload. The Bulk Import File List displays the file details and the files verified.
- From the file list, click the Upload Date of the uploaded file.
- In the Import File Management option, click Import. The User Import page is displayed.
- Click New Users or Existing Users to view the uploaded users.
- The list of users is displayed, including any users who might have errors in their entries. Select the verified users to import and fix invalid users to upload at a later date.
- (Optional) Expand a user to view account properties associated with the user.
- Click Save to import the selected users.
Note: Import users with errors in their entries cannot be imported. Hover the mouse on any error to determine the source.
- Provision one or more services to the users and provision the users to activate them in the customer hierarchy.